
The realm of media is forever changing, and in today's time, it is the best way for people to stay connected and informed. The media connects everyone and highlights major moments and movements around the world. Because this is a growing field, there are plenty of future jobs and career tracks. Media justice means using the power of media to promote underrepresented communities and create a society where diverse perspectives are acknowledged and heard. Media justice is known as a newer field of social justice that aims to encourage fairness, inclusivity, and realistic portrayals of groups and people presented in the media. Media justice also seeks to empower communities through activism and fair access to digital media to create an equitable and safe space for everyone. One example of this is media activism, which uses digital communications and media as a form of expression and a channel to create change.

According to Bart Cammaerts (2015), professor of Politics and Communication, “Social media enables activists and protest movements to “self-mediate” and “to distribute movement goals or frames more easily.” (“Social Media and Activism,” in The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, edited by Robin Mansell and Peng Hwa, p. 3). In this sense, media justice, through activism and the process of empowering communities, seeks to eliminate the digital divide and make accessible information and actions for individuals.

Here you can start your search process on what your future can look like in media justice. Look through local community organizations, campus groups, and relevant events connected to media justice. There are many different paths you can take in your journey through media justice and each path can be curated to you and your specific interest. Enjoy exploring!


Education & Experience

Valuable Skills to Have

  • Effective Communication
  • Advocacy
  • Technology
  • Problem-solving
  • Passion for Helping Others
  • Networking
  • Presentation Skills

Areas of Study

Business Analytics and Information Systems
Students earning a major in Business Analytics and Information Systems focus on using computation and mathematical skills to solve critical problems such as those that might arise in the area of media justice and websites.

Computer Science
Studying computer science allows students to sharpen their skills in the area of technology while also developing skills in problem-solving, mathematics, data manipulation, computer systems, and applications. This degree could be a vital part of a degree in media justice when it comes to companies or apps needing to remove or edit harmful posts from their space.

Ethics and Public Policy
Ethics and Public Policy studies allow students to study and evaluate the complex connections among economics, law, philosophy, political science, and sociology. With such a broad degree, the skills learned through studying this major are sure to help any individual with a social justice career, especially with the complexities and effects of media justice.

Social Justice
Students choosing to study Social Justice are determined to bring equality and justice to today’s society. They are interested in analyzing social situations and promoting health, education, safety, security, and justice.

Sociology is a degree that integrates many aspects of psychology and criminology to study the actions of organizations, small groups, neighborhoods, societies, and the world. An undergraduate degree in Sociology prepares students to take an integrated approach to complex societal issues such as media justice.


Human Rights
The Human Rights certificate allows individuals to broaden their knowledge on various human rights issues that affect people in everyday society. In addition, students can identify solutions to these problems and different ways to solve and impact these communities.

Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy
The Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy certificate offers students the chance to learn about the different roles that organizations have in our community. It teaches about service and leadership in a modern, changing world.

Critical Cultural Competence
This certificate is administered by the School of Social Work at the University of Iowa. This program aims to help people understand and acknowledge their culture as well as their peers’ cultures in order to communicate effectively across diverse environments. In addition, it helps students become more aware of how to treat people fairly and equitably.

What To Do Now

Learn about Specific Career Paths

Positions related to Media Justice that you can explore:                                          


By becoming a journalist, you can report on social justice issues that need bringing attention.

Social Media Management
Managing social media for a non-profit organization, or activist page while creating a lot of content where you can spread awareness.

Community Organizing
Setting up events, resource tables, and posting information about when these events take place.

Independent Media Creation
Having your own platform where you spread awareness about issues that you are passionate about. TikTok, blogs, or Instagram accounts.

Legal Advocacy and Policy Work
Advocate for legal changes and analyze policies related to media and activism

Media Production and Design
This job would consist of making graphics, visual content, and presentations that will be used to reach a bigger audience.

Public Relations
Sending messages, creating campaigns for social change, and managing media.

Get Informed

Media Justice
“Fighting for a future where we are all connected, represented and free.”

Mission statement: “Media Justice boldly advances communication rights, access, and power for communities harmed by persistent dehumanization, discrimination, and disadvantage…we envision a future where everyone has sustained and universal access to open and democratic media and technology platforms.”

Free Press
Mission statement:
 “We seek to change the media to transform democracy to realize a just society.” 
This organization works to give voice to those that would otherwise be drowned out. They focus on challenging big corporations and giving voice to people of color in the media. They also focus on the digital side of media justice by saving net neutrality and going to policymakers to ensure this.

Democratic Media
Mission statement
: “The Center for Digital Democracy’s mission is to ensure that digital technologies serve and strengthen democratic values, institutions, and processes. CDD strives to safeguard privacy and civil and human rights and advance equity, fairness, and community.” 
The Center for Digital Democracy addresses topics including digital rights, fair data practices in politics, and responsible digital marketing for public health equality through research efforts that aim to impact policy.

They have four main focuses on their site:

  1. Digital Health
  2. Digital Consumer
  3. Digital Citizen
  4. Digital Youth

Global Voices
Global Voices is an international, multilingual community of writers, translators, and human rights activists. Together, we leverage the power of the internet to tell stories that build understanding across borders.

PR Watch / News and Media
PR Watch is a program from The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) which is a national-level investigative journalism center that reports on corruption in America and finds the information that is otherwise hidden. 
This project specifically covers public relations that may sway the public's view of corporations. They investigate PR stunts that these corporations put on as well as political campaigns.

As a Student

Pomerantz Career Center
The Pomerantz Career Center on campus is a great first step toward looking into careers in Media Justice. They offer sections going into depth on how to build or improve your resume for any type of job you want as well as getting you prepared for internships. The Pomerantz Center offers in-person meetings so you can work one on one with somebody specialized to help you succeed.

  • Resumes and Cover Letters
    • The Career Center can steer you toward creating the perfect resume and cover letter to land you the type of position you seek.
  • Internships
    • The Career Center teaches students how to use Handshake to get you in contact with future potential employers.
  • Career Fairs
    • The Career Center hosts a variety of career fairs that can go from very generalized to very specific. Keep an eye out for one that may have just the position you desire.
  • Informational Interviews
    •  Another great way to get started in this career path is to talk to individuals working in the field currently.

Some key positions to look for in your search process:

  1. Social Media Manager
  2. Public Engagement
  3. Communications Person
  4. News Programs Executive
  5. TV Station personnel
  6. Radio Station Personnel
  7. Media Advocacy Specialist
  8. Media Outreach Coordinator
  9. Advocacy Specialist
  10.  Advocacy Project Director

Job Search Process

Job Search Engines

Interview Advice

Have a document where you can write down potential questions you'll be asked and your answers. Write any information you need on this specific job that you are applying for. Research the person who is interviewing you. Know what the position requires and be ready for any questions related to your experience. This will help how prepared you are and will ease any nervous feelings!

A couple of questions you can research to prepare for the interview, perhaps in an informational interview:

  • What kind of advice do you have for someone looking to get into this field?
  • What is the most rewarding thing about this position?
  • Are there alternative ways to gain experience for this position?

Check out this website for more questions!

Zoom Interview Advice:

  • Ensure your wifi connection is working, and you're familiar with zoom features.
  • Pick a quiet space, and a plain background. You can book a study room in the Library!
  • Dress as you would for an in person interview. This shows your professionalism.
  • Log in early to settle in.
  • Body language is important, so sit up straight, and keep eye contact with the camera even through a computer.

Zoom Interview Preparation  

Sending a thank you note:

  • Start by thanking them for the opportunity to interview for the position.
  • Mention something you found exciting in the interview about the job.
  • Restate your appreciation for their time.
  • Close with sincerity, your name.


Some jobs that you are applying for might require you to turn in a portfolio. This portfolio might include some personal digital art. For example, a flier made on Canva. This art could show the passion someone has for social justice.

Media literacy
This is the ability to access, analyze, and create media content in various forms.  It means you know how to use various tools and media platforms. This literacy is intertwined with media awareness, which is understanding the media shapes and influencing issues.

Communication skills
Media justice works by conveying a specific message. The message is to spread awareness of the issue you are trying to advocate for. It is also important that this message is accurately said and understood by the audience. Sometimes messages tend to get lost in translation.

Organization skills
Organizing events, protests, and conferences is a part of working for media justice. Employers are usually going to look for someone who has skills in planning and developing events like these.

Research skills
Media activists need to be informed about the issues they are advocating for. Research could include the type of audience they want to spread their message to.

Digital marketing skills
These skills are essential for effectively distributing content online and using media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to build awareness.

Being able to connect with other individuals, organizations, and diverse audiences is essential for media justice. Networking will supply access to different skills and ideas and enhance the effectiveness of efforts online.

Passion for social justice
Applicants should have a passion for fairness and equity. They should want to ensure that everyone in society has the same opportunities and rights regardless of their backgrounds. They hould want to create a more inclusive society.

Ensure that your resume is completed and tailored to the job you are applying for. Make sure that your resume is well-formatted, clear, and has no mistakes. Have a file of your completed resume and your cover letter.

Excel Sheet

One effective way to keep track of the jobs you applied to, the ones you got interviews for, and the ones that said no is to create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Keeping track of the jobs you have applied to, and you want to, will result in an organized job search process. It also creates easy access to the information you need. You will not miss any important steps. 

Top Instagram Accounts to follow for Social Justice and Activism Content:

Knowing about accounts focused on activism is useful for someone working for media justice because they offer connections, ideas, support, and updates on current events.

Impact - Daily content about issues impacting the world

Color of Change - Campaigns that fights to end unfair treatment towards BIPOC people

The Conscious Kid – Supports for families and educators seeking racial justice

The slacktivist - Knowledge of current issues

Raquel Willis - Activist and author


Conferences and Events

Allied Media Conference
This is an annual conference that focuses on media-based organizing and social justice. It brings together activists, journalists, and artists to discuss strategies for a more equitable media landscape.

Facing Race Conference
This is a national conference that focuses on racial justice and organizing efforts. It addresses issues related to race, media representation, and social justice through workshops, discussions, and networking events.

Color of Change Annual Conference
Color of Change is a racial justice organization that hosts an annual conference bringing together activists, organizers, and thought leaders. The conference focuses on strategies for creating change, including media-based initiatives.

Media Impact Festival
Organized by Media Impact Funders, this conference celebrates the power of media to create social change. The event showcases innovative media projects and initiatives that address pressing social justice issues.

Tech Inclusion Conference
This conference addresses diversity and inclusion in the technology and media industries. It explores how technology and media can be leveraged for social justice and equity.

Online Platforms and Specific Courses

Coursera is an online learning platform that offers a variety of courses in different fields. In terms of media, journalism, and digital communications, these are some courses you can take to start your path in the field of media justice. You can also search for key terms such as media, journalism, and digital activism:

  1. Introduction to Public Relations and the Media Specialization
    This general course would help you to learn strategies and tools to gain mastery in the field of public relations, which can be very useful for media justice and media activism.

  1. Become a Journalist: Report the News! Specialization
    With this course, you can cultivate skills in journalism applicable to print, broadcast, and social media platforms.

  1. Working with the Media
    With this course, you can gain insight into the role of public relations in the branding process.

Founded by MIT and Harvard, edX provides online courses from universities and institutions.

  1. UQx: Global Media, War, and Technology
    With this course, you can learn about the intersections among information technology, violent conflict, and resistance.

  1. CISL: Sustainable Marketing, Media and Creative
    Throughout this course, you can shift your marketing, media, and creative strategies to align brand and purpose, contributing to a sustainable future.

This platform offers courses and degrees from universities and institutions, with a strong emphasis on social learning.

  1. Understanding Media: Introduction to Critical Media Literacy
    “Find out and improve your media literacy by learning how to analyze media, film, and culture.”

  1. Transforming Citizen Participation
    “Discover the best techniques to encourage citizen participation and learn how to engage at all levels of the public sector.”

  1. A Reporter’s Toolkit for the Digital Age
    “Learn essential skills and useful tools to help you become a reporter in a social media and digital era.”

  1. Social Influence: Diversity, Conformity, and Conflict
    “Learn to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion as you discover how social influence plays a vital role in shaping behavior.”